Eternal Jaunt

My parents were lifelong travelers, and when I was a child, we lived in Italy, Belgium and the United States. This gave me the unique opportunity experience different cultures at a young age, attend school in Italian and Flemish, and travel around Western Europe. Since then, and always, my primary driver in life has been to travel, learn languages and experience new cultures.

I have visited over 65 countries, lived in six countries (Belgium, Italy, Russia, Tajikistan, Timor Leste, and of course the U.S.A), and studied 10 languages. My travels have always been on a shoestring budget and are often loosely planned (I once had to sell a Lonely Planet guidebook for enough money to get to a major city where I could find some part time work). In addition to international travel, I love the outdoors and am an avid rock climber. My current journey is to continue adventuring with my wife Annie, my daughter Carys, and my son Emrick.

Eternal Jaunt is an online repository of my adventures, travel writing, photography and travel advice that focuses on affordable yet socially responsible travel and how to continue a life of adventure with kids in tow. Eternal Jaunt will not peddle advice on overpriced and over-structured packaged tours or unnecessary material possessions that other travel sites advertise as the next “must have.”
